Flicker & Flicker Percentage | Kaoyi Lighting

  • Flicker

  • Driver

  • Flicker Percentage


Mains electricity is generally AC (alternate current) power supply. A perfect DC (directly current) cannot be achieved even after processing done by the driver connected. The ripple within would bring brightness difference as shown in the graph. 


The input power of the light source changes as time goes by with highs and lows, resulting bright and dim of the lights. However the altering period one after the other is too short for human eyes to notice the changes. 


Human eyes do not realize the change due to the high frequency but this constant switching actions do harm human eyes as if turning on and off lights continuously. People can get eye fatigue easily, further leading to health concerns. Also, the black and white intervals when filming affect the performance of art pieces created. These invisible flashing of lights are refer to “flicker”. 












Flicker Percentage

The numerical value to define the degree of flicker is considered as flicker percentage. The calculation is presented below. 
Products are allowed to state flicker-free when flicker percentage is under a certain value. The standard varies in between different areas. The most strict standard for now would be to claim flicker-free when the flicker percentage is below 3%. 
For phase-cutting dimming systems, the flicker percentage is a fluctuating number at different brightness ranges. The load connected may be flicker-free at full brightness but the flicker percentage is likely to increase when dimming down if the circuit is not specially designed due to the phase-cutting dimming method.