What is a Dimmer? Easy Guidance to adjust brightness of Light | Kaoyi Lighting

  • dimmer switch

  • dimmer introduction

  • dimming brightness

  • dimmer for lights

Dimmer switch is the instrument to adjust brightness of lights within the lighting system.


Most dimmers share the function of on/off switches, which is why we often called it a ‘dimmer switch’. Please mind that there are still some dimmers that merely controls brightness and in need of an extra switch to turn lights on or off.


Due to the different dimming systems in the market, we address them accordingly with certain incompatibility in and between every system.


For example, phase control system from households adopts phase control (phase cut) dimmers to adjust brightness of lights. (To learn more about phase-cut dimming, please see here) Instead, DALI system for business use controls light brightness via DALI dimmer switches.


Different dimmer applications would have different case or housing preferred.


Regular wall dimmer switches are used in houses, while foot dimmers are used with floor lamps and inline dimmers are used with table lamps. The dimmer cases have different looks and functions in accordance with the consumer habits the country chose to take up even under the same application.


Light control nowadays not only works on the brightness change but also the color temperature and color changes.


Furthermore, wireless control application, such as BLE system and battery-powered remote controller, has increasing popularity among users. These instruments can sometimes be deemed as scenarios switches, light controllers, or light dimmers. In short, if an equipment possesses the function to control brightness of lights, we can regard it as a dimmer switch regardless of any cables or light fixtures connected.